Our Commitment

At the Idaho State Liquor Division, we share your vision of a safe and thriving Idaho, where everyone enjoys a greater quality life.

We believe responsible management and access to liquor is a key part of achieving this vision. Consuming alcohol responsibly is often a valued and enjoyable aspect of celebrations in everyday life. We recognize that alcohol may harm the lives of some consumers when ingested irresponsibly. We seek to do our part in preventing the misuse of alcohol by supporting programs, practices, and policies related to substance abuse; including but not limited to drunk driving, underage drinking, and excessive consumption.

The legal limit of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% for consumers aged 21 and older. Individuals under the age of 21 have a legal BAC of 0.00%. Consumers can still face a driving under the influence (DUI) charge if their BAC is at any level above 0.00% and deemed “noticeably impaired” by law enforcement. If you are questioning your level of sobriety, please don’t take the risk and find a suitable ride home.

Our retail employees are trained on responsible service for the sale of alcohol, and we encourage them to be ambassadors for accountable consumption. We aim to provide consumers with the information to facilitate in making responsible choices regarding alcohol. If misuse is suspected in yourself, a friend, a family member, or a coworker, resources are available to all Idahoans. Please enjoy responsibly.

Understanding your role in responsibility

Whether you’re enjoying a drink or serving one, your role in fostering a culture of responsibility is vital. Learn more about your role in responsibility, as an individual and member of the community, and access relevant resources from our suppliers on our Responsibly page.