Drug Rehab USA

We understand the struggles faced by individuals dealing with substance use issues, as well as their loved ones and colleagues. We recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs, or other substances, and we strive to provide clear and concise information to help individuals at any stage of recovery. Visit Resource Website

Addictions.com provides state-by-state sobriety and treatment hotlines. For help finding an Idaho alcohol or drug dependance recovery treatment center. Visit Resource Website
Idaho Care Line (2-1-1)

The 2-1-1 Idaho CareLine, a free statewide community Information and Referral service, is a program of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Our comprehensive database includes programs that offer free or low-cost health and human services or social services, such as rental assistance, energy assistance, medical assistance, food and clothing, child care resources, emergency shelter, and more. Visit Resource Website
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Have a problem with alcohol? There is a solution. Alcoholics Anonymous has a simple program that works. It’s based on one alcoholic helping another. Anyone with a desire to stop drinking is welcome, and it’s free. You can sit, listen, and learn more about recovery, or you can share about your situation. It’s completely up to you. Find AA Meetings in Idaho. Visit Resource Website
Detox Rehabs

The primary goal at DetoxRehabs.net is to connect those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction with resources, treatment options, and a community of support in order to help more people find the recovery they deserve. Visit Resource Website
Alcohol Rehab Guide

Alcohol Rehab Guide is an informational web source dedicated to supporting and helping anyone battling alcoholism or co-occurring behavioral and mental health disorders. All the information available on Alcohol Rehab Guide is developed by a team of researchers and journalists. Each published resource and article is selected with our audience’s best interest in mind. Alcohol Rehab Guide only references fact-based and relevant publications from trusted sources like government agencies and medical journals to ensure quality. Visit Resource Website